Monday 5 April 2010

Next Term's Wildlife 6: Reptiles

Common Lizard
Grass Snake
Adder (c) 2010 Maurice Gordon
To make a change from birds we will also be looking out for our native reptile species. The Wednesday groups will be visiting the most reliable site in our area for Grass Snakes, but will also be going to a different site with a healthy population of Adders. Tuesday groups will be going to a location which has both Grass Snakes & Adders fairly close together. We will learn about the differences between the 2 species, including preferred habitats & behavioural differences. If we are really lucky we may also encounter a Slow Worm, which I have seen at one of the venues we will be visiting. Of course, Common Lizards are another species we may well encounter, and these may be located at several different sites on the itinerary.

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